Sunday, February 14, 2010

Biden says China will sign on to Iran sanctions

Say whatever you want to about U.S. Vice President Joe Biden -- and, indeed, many people say a lot of things that are not complimentary -- he does tell it exactly how it is. Of course, you're not always sure if he's speaking with the approval of U.S. President Barack Obama, the head of the government, or if he's just revealed something that would have been better kept unsaid, but his comments do have the ring of truth. That is a rare quality in a politician these days. So when Biden told the NBC-TV program "Meet the Press" on Sunday that the United States expected China to agree with international efforts to impose punitive economic sanctions against Iran for refusing to end its nuclear weapons program, he was making perfect sense. "We have the support of everyone from Russia to Europe," Biden told NBC, according to the Reuters international news service. "I believe we'll get the support of China to continue to impose sanctions on Iran to isolate them, to make it clear that in fact they cannot move forward." China, which depends on Iran for oil imports, is the fifth veto power on the UN Security Council and must agree before international sanctions can be imposed or enforced. Iran, for its part, continues to deny trying to build a nuclear weapon and insists its nuclear technology development is intended only for peaceful purposes. But it's illogical for the world's third largest reserves of oil to seek nuclear power for energy -- it has oil. Iran's pursuit of nuclear technology only makes sense if it seeks nuclear weapons. And China certainly understands the threat to the world economic order, in which it is just now getting the upper hand, if an unstable head of state like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmedinejad figures out how to build nuclear bombs.


Barrett said...

While President Obama has a lot on his plate domestically,usually the purview of the Vp,Biden has more experience and depth in foreign affairs.It may make more sense both politically and strategically to allow both men to utilize their talents,even though this gives a larger role to the the pursuit of the administrations agendas.China has a greater awareness of their role in the world economic order and cannot be seen as aiding or abetting nuclear proliferation especially by Iran even though it may sour it's oil pacts.Iran on the opposite side of this tug of wills,sees itself as facing neighbors who have full nuclear capability in weapons and peaceful use.Because they have as in the recent past secured vital nuclear information from our alleged friends in Pakistan,it is only a matter of time before they are enabled to both fabricate and deploy a nuclear weapon.Iran is a major player in the eyes of the Islamic world and must be seen as someone who will stand up to the western world and it's allies.However the theocracy guiding Iran at this vital time must proceed with real caution now.I for one do not believe that sanctions,punitive or not can really force Iran to the bargaining table.It took a lot of effort to bring North Korea around and Iran will be no exception.

harcla said...

Surely we have a right to wish that all countries will join in to keep the world safe from outlaw nations. China should be no exception, and should perhaps begin to join in leading the way, considering their significant economic ties to the West. China can certainly make an agreement with another oil producer and Iran will also be the loser. Maybe that's the way to get Iran to agree--boycott their oil. It's only as good as the money it brings.